Tuesday, March 11, 2025

About Us

Our Mission

Our mission is to promote the game of soccer, at all levels, for the youth of East Bridgewater. We will do this by providing all an equal opportunity to participate and by providing instructions for players, coaches, and parents.  We will also provide proper fields and equipment in which all have access to learn and enjoy the game of soccer through the development of individual skill, fitness, teamwork and fair play.

The most important value of the organization is that children should have fun through learning the sport of soccer and to help players, parents, and coaches develop a passion and love of the game.

Any and all decisions made shall be for the good of the organization as a whole, with individual teams and persons being of secondary importance.  EBYSA demands the highest level of ethical standards of behavior for all club, officials, coaches, players, parents and spectators.

Our Board

Our Board is comprised of Officers and Coordinators all of whom are integral to the success of EBYSA.  We are ALWAYS in need of more parents to help out, as you can see below many people hold multiple positions.  If you would like to get involved, email communications@ebysa.com!

Position Status Occupant Email Address
President Filled Dave Floeck dfloeck6@comcast.net
Vice President Vacant    
Secretary Filled Sandi Shea communications@ebysa.com
Treasurer Filled Bill Dowling treasurer@ebysa.com
Spring Registrar Filled John Mesheau ebysaregistrar@gmail.com
Fall Registrar Filled Chris Corbin webmaster@ebysa.com
Compliance Coordinator Filled Jen Pelaggi coriadministrator@ebysa.com
Field Coordinator Filled Bruce Edkin  
Referee Coordinator Filled Coleen Wasik referees@ebysa.com
Snack Bar Coordinator Filled Abby Chisholm  
Webmaster Filled Chris Corbin webmaster@ebysa.com
Sponsor Coordinator Filled Kate Connolly sponsors@ebysa.com
Social Media Coordinator Filled Julie Bartus social@ebysa.com
Program Coordinator - Travel Filled John Mesheau ebysaregistrar@gmail.com
Program Coordinator - Instructional Filled Alicia Edkin instructional@ebysa.com
Program Coordinator - Festival of Future Stars Filled Alicia Edkin & Rob Nunes instructional@ebysa.com
Program Coordinator - Recreational Vacant    
Involved Parents & Coaches Filled Lou Pelaggi  
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